February 1, 2010

A sign. An indicator. An omen. Sometimes you need one to get you motivated and focus, particularly when there are distractions coming at you from all angles of life.

For the past 3 weeks it seems that I have been about 10% from top dead center.

Some of it I attribute to the duldrums of winter. Dark when you get up, dark when you get home. Always training and riding in the dark and the cold.

Another factor has been work just wearing me down. Lots of issues. Lots of extra hours. Boring projects.

Add some of the stresses and emotional fallout of personal and Type1Rider challenges, and you can get slightly off track.

I have been riding as much as time allows, and probably getting 8-10 hours of base miles per week. I have also been hitting the weights a couple of times per week.

However, I just haven't been my usual hyper focused self.

Today, call it what you will, amist the snow and ice on the ground, I got my signal.

As I was shoveling the ice off my doorstep, the UPS truck pulled up. The driver handed me a small sealed bag.

I opened the package and found my 29er Crew cycling cap.

I had forgotten that I had ordered it weeks ago. A total surprise.

Then it occurred to me... today, Feb. 1st, is also the first day I begin my training program with Chris Eatough.

I contacted Chris a couple of weeks ago in regards to training options. We had a great phone conversation (um, yeah, I was extremely nervous for the first 5 minutes - I mean come on) during which Chris provided a ton of insight and training ideas. I really feel he understands what motivates me as a rider, and that is critcal to me.

I would whole heartily recommend contacting Chris if you are looking for a mountain bike coach.

So like a kick in the shorts, the intersection of these two events has me re-focusing on the things I have control over.

Like riding my bike.

Spring is right around the corner. Everything else will just fall into place.

Time to ROLL!!!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone