February 16, 2010

Ride Hours: 02:03

Insulin Delivery Summary:
Daily Total: 46.21 units
Meal: 15.25u
Corr: 6.30u
Basal: 24.66u

Daily Carb Intake Bolused For: 229g

Time continues to speed on by, and the past couple of days have continued the hectic pace that the weeks of the month have set.  Work is still incredibly busy, with a huge software release going out next weekend.   The drain of stress and long days combined with training is causing the usual drag.  I am working had to keep my head above the rogue waves, and things are still moving along in a very positive direction.

The new training plan is going very well.  I am really enjoying it, and feel I am getting a bit better with each workout.  Truth be told however, I DID fall asleep on the trainer at home last night doing a 90 minute low cadence recovery spin.  Funny?  Hysterically!!!  Woke up with my forehead on the bars, my hands on the drops, and my feet moving at 20rpms.  LOL!!

Sunday I was able to get out with a group for about 5 hours.  George arrived with his family of snowmen:

The group included Matt Briskie from Trek of Raleigh, Chris Newport of Endurance Newtrition, and George Scott from mySwimBikeRun.com.  Lots of Fisher 29ers and a pair of Fuel EXs. 

Tonight the ride was a 2 hour solo effort of efficient riding on the mtb.  I set the temp basal rate on the pump to a 65% reduction at 16:38 in preparation of the ride.  Rolled out of the UNC Wellness Center parking lot at 17:47.

Stayed on the usual fueling and hydration plan, and was able to keep the HR in the required zone.  However, this might have FELT like the coldest ride I have ever done.  Air temp wasn't terrible, maybe 32, but the wind chill was crazy cold.  I was happy it was only 2 hours.

Vertical Distance:   354.00 yd
Max HR:   180 BPM
Avg HR:   143 BPM
Calories:   1,686 kCal

Ran into a good friend while rolling through CH.  Always glad to see Independent Fab rider and all around great guy Steve Gisslelman out riding as well.  We got to chat for a couple of minutes, and then we headed our separate ways. 

Saw some new art work near the Chapel Hill Police department:

I am not exactly sure what it represents, but I will look for a descriptive panel laying around the next time I roll buy.  I wonder if there are more of them around?

When I hit the hay later on tonight - soon! - I am going to use an overnight post ride temp basal of 75% for 6 hours.  Should be GDG.

On other notes....

I was invited to speak at the Tour de Cure kickoff here in North Carolina on March 2nd.  It's being held at the Hibernian Pub in Cary from 6:30 - 7:30pm. All are invited!  RSVP to amlaw@diabetes.org.  Bring a friend to enter our drawing and a chance to win one of 2 Trek Limelite Bicycles.  These are usually a good time, so come out and say hi if you are around.

Don't be surprised if some of the graphics start to look a bit different on the site and here at the blog in the next couple of days or weeks.  After 3 years we are changing the color scheme slightly, and besides pink, lime green, and brown are in. 

Only kidding.  I just wanted to let y'all know so you can be on the lookout.

Thanks!!  OUT.....