February 18, 2010

Ride Hours: 01:51

Insulin Delivery Summary:
Daily Total: 46.54 units
Meal: 14.25u
Corr: 7.60u
Basal: 24.69u

Daily Carb Intake Bolused For: 213g

Missed one of my workouts this week, so I wanted to make it up tonight. And I did. :)

I went to Trek Raleigh at lunch, and picked up my Superfly. The crew there is awesome, and they did some fine tuning on the shift and brake cable lengths. I love these guys!!

Was able to head straight over after work to the UNC Wellness Center to get out for some road miles on the 'Fly. I set my pump to a 65% basal rate reduction at 16:40. I was hoping to get on the bike by 17:30, but it ended up being a little later.

Hill repeats in a target zone were the order of business, so I warmed up and got to it. After that was done, I found a long way home to get an extra 30min of recovery spin in.

Max HR:
179 BPM
Avg HR:
148 BPM
1,519 kCal

I have been working really had to try to incorporate some extra cals in during my rides. The fueling was tough during the higher HR hill work, but all in all, it is working out fairly well.

Superfly is 99% perfect. A little seat adjustment and it should be good to go.

Back to the car at 20:00. Set the pump back to my normal basal rate. BG was a 88. Decent.

This coming weekend marks the first "race" of the 2010 season for me. It is a 6 hour local affair that I will mainly use as a planned training day, and to test some new fueling and insulin dosage techniques. Even though I don't care whether I finish 1st or Last (well, ok... let's hope not last), I still have a dose of pre-race jitters.

I find that pretty darn cool. I'm stoked to get this year rolling. :)

If you are out and about and in the area on Saturday stop on by to check out the racing and say "Hello"! Follow Meltdown at Harris Lake for details....

Off to bed... 10% overnight basal rate reduction.