Insulin Breakdown:
Meal: 14.20u
Corr: 6.15u
Basal: 25.98u
Daily Carb Intake Bolused For: 212g
Headed out on the HiFi after a seeing Joe Largay at the UNC Diabetes Care Center today. A1C was a nice even 6.0. Not too bad.
The appointment took longet than I thought, so I logged in from home to get some work done during the afternoon.
I picked up my boys, and took the Superfly to the Clean Machine and a visit to Marshall. Marshall is a great guy, an awesome rider, and a very detailed mechanic. He was able to figure out why the bike was missing a gear (heck I only worked on it for 3 hours over the weekend) in about 2 minutes.
Once home I lowered the basal rate to 55% reduction, and got out on the HiFi by 18:20.
Vertical Distance: 447.00 yd
Max HR: 179 BPM
Avg HR: 142 BPM
Calories: 1,534 kCal
Ride was going along GREAT until the lightning storm hit. Had to make a mad dash for an over pass to hide under for 30 minutes. Crazy lightning. Just crazy.
Once I headed to bed I lowered to a temp basal of 80% for 6 hours.
Good day. Time is ticking, and I feel that the 18 hours on the Farm is right around the corner. Need to get a couple more quality rides in to feel mentally prepared. Nutrition and BGs have been perfect.
Might have a chance to try a new CGMS for the race, so I am crossing my fingers.
2010 Fisher stuff is starting to trickle out... My FAV so far is the new Presidio.

Steel, slider dropouts for single speed or geared use, and can run 29x1.8 tires. KILLER! Definetly on my list!