August 29, 2009

Daily Total: 45.51 Ride Hours: 03:47

Insulin Breakdown:
Meal: 11.70u
Corr: 7.85u
Basal: 25.96u

Daily Carb Intake Bolused For: 175g

Jumped out on the HiFi from the UNC Wellness Center at 10:00 sharp. I had set my temp basal rate about 60 minutes earlier. Plan was just to roll a nice and easy 4 hours of base level training.

Saw this cool rainbow as I left Chapel Hill towards the trails.

What made today's ride great was the 3 separate groups of people who have Type 1 in their family that I got to talk to.

Ran into a friend with a Type 1 teenager out at the trail head. Hadn't seen him in a while, and we took a few minutes to talk about the mission of the ADA and of JDRF. I also got a great idea what is of greatest importance to a parent of a high schooler with T1.

About 75 minutes later I was completing a hill repeat and got snagged at a red light in town. Met a couple and their twin UNC freshman children who are both Type 1. They saw my kit and came up to chat. Of course they where quite worried about the young adults being 1000 miles away from home. I sensed that their children where a little uneasy about it as well. Spent about 15 minutes with them. Hopefully they will email and let me know how school is going.

And finally, I was sitting at the corner of Columbia and Franklin St. heading home. I saw two young ladies cross the street, and then come back to ask where I ride for diabetes. They have a sister who is Type 1 and they were interested in doing something for her. They mentioned riding in the Tour de Cure. I told them that I co-chair that event, and gave them my contact info.

What struck me, and of course I already knew this, is that Type 1 affects a TON of people. And, obviously not just the people that have the disease. It affects everyone involved with that person in one way or another.

I was very moved to see the high degree of interest that these people had for their family members. It was great to have a chance to meet and talk with all of them.

Vertical Distance: 434.00 yd
Max HR: 182 BPM
Avg HR: 148 BPM
Calories: 2,643 kCal