Daily Total: 36.83 Ride Hours: 01:11
Insulin Breakdown:
Meal: 12.85u
Corr: 0.00u
Basal: 23.98u
Daily Carb Intake Bolused For: 193g
Back at work today, and trying to keep the ball rolling. I am pretty tired, but happy with the outcome of the weekend.
Race report is still being assembled, but the photos and raw stats from the race are up at the main site on the 2009 18 Hours on The Farm page.
After work today I was able to catch up with Marcee for a nice recovery road ride. Marcee had been off the bike for 3 weeks due to some surgery, so it was great for use to just roll around today.
Vertical Distance: 134.00 yd
Max HR: 169 BPM
Avg HR: 126 BPM
Calories: 642 kCal
Slowly but surely I am getting the site rebuilt. Might be another week or so before I can all the items restored, but I am making good progress.
Been keeping a much more detailed food log for Chris, my nutritionist. I am still looking for a good way of doing this - so if you have a good program or system please let me know.
LOTS of stuff going on, so stay tuned.....