March 27, 2009

Daily Total: 37.86 Ride Hours: 01:34

Insulin Breakdown:
Meal: 10.95u
Corr: 2.20u
Basal: 24.71u

Daily Carb Intake Bolused For: 195g

Daily Pump Details Downloaded via CozManager and CoPilot

So here we are, approximately day number 18 of rain. As posted yesterday, I have a newly built Superfly Single Speed sitting in the garage. What to do... yeah, go riding of course!

Was able to get out by a couple of minutes after 18:00 in a total downpour. Not hitting any trails, just going to do some hill repeats on pavement, and a short 3 or 4 miles dirt/rooty/rock filled greenway trip on the way home.

All I can say is this bike ROCKS!!! Just so much fun to ride!! Gotta say a HUGE thanks to all parties involved in allowing me to receive this bike. (That includes K. Thanks honey!!)

Had a great ride for sure. Soaked to the bone, but smiling ear to ear!

Energy Expenditure 1132 kcal
Number of Heart Beats 13986 beats
Recovery -19 beats
Minimum Heart Rate 97 bpm
Average Heart Rate 148 bpm
Maximum Heart Rate 185 bpm
Ascent 1312 ft