Insulin Breakdown:
Meal: 11.10u
Corr: 5.20u
Basal: 22.97u
Daily Carb Intake Bolused For: 208g
Set the insulin pump to a 55% reduction at 11:45 in prep of a 12:30 ride leaving my house and heading over to Morrisville and Umstead Park double track. All the local (and non-local) single track was closed due to the rain we had been experiencing over the past couple of days.
I was excited getting out today, as it is the first ride I am going to be getting out on the new Paragon. It's been built and hanging around in the house for about a week now. This will be the main geared training bike for the 2010 season, and will be a great backup race bike for endurance race events.

I took one last BG check at 12:20, and, similar to a ride last week, I was a little on the lower than optimal side at 82. So, at 12:25 I set my basal rate down another 25% to a 80% reduction.
Left for the 15 road mile ride to the park at 12:30 sharp.

Weather was perfect, and traffic was pretty light. On the way I passed something I had never seen before here in NC - a corn field maze. I noticed this "ad-hoc lifeguard tower" setup in the middle of a corn field. Caught my attention and I slowed a bit to take a look. We are going to take the kids here next week for sure, as it looks like a good time!

Took 20g of carbs via a Hammer Gel on during this road time, and 12oz of water with Nuun. This stuff works great!
Made decent time on the mtb on the road, another advantage of the 29" wheel, and arrived at the dirt fire road entrance at 13:23. Stopped and grabbed a gander at the glucose level. Still not perfect, 78... going to need to stay on top of adjustments and intake today for sure. Ate 1 pop tart 33g of carbs and 180 cals looking for a boost.
Left pump at the 80% reduct and headed into the park for the "meat" of the training ride. Had 4 hours of time left, and dedicated the first hour to tempo work on the rolling hills in the facility. Hour 3 of the day will be at light base level, the next hour goes to XC race pace at the limit, then the final hour back at a base level.
Ripping through the park felt good... took in a 20g of c Hammer Gel en route and polished off a 16oz water bottle. Finished up the 2rd hr feeling all of the blood glucose indicated 74. I am running steady here, just not up in the 125-150 range where I need to be. Ok. Made a quick insulin delivery plan adjustment, refilled the two now dry water bottles, and sank the other pop tart.
Put the pump in disconnected mode for 1 hour with no advance delivery. Figured the suspension of insulin delivery for an hour, plus the basal level training rate of hour 3 would make a proper correction. We'll see...
Worked good. Quality hour of work feeling fine. BG at end of hour 3 was spot on at 101. 20g of carbs in over the last hour, and I set insulin delivery back to a 55% reduction rate. I picked the 55% reduct level as I figured there might be a whip of no insulin coming on board for the last 60 minutes.
Hour 4 spent at the limit hammering each and every hill I could find. It started on a nice long down hill with a flat roll in which gave the legs time to come to me.
On the down hill I was fortunate to have 3 weekend warrior guys riding SOB carbon/scandium/xtr/X0/something or another shout "on your left" and giving me advice on how to stay out their way and pick faster lines. I found rabbits. :)
I just smiled to myself knowing at the end of this decent started one of the longer and steeper climbs in the park. Perfect. I let them gap me, and all three of them looked back to see they were "dropping" me.
At the start of the climb the iPod started playing "Name of the Game" by Crystal Method. Don't you love it when things all come together? I left the Paragon in the big ring, hopped out of the saddle and looked over and asked each and every one of those guys "How are you doing" as I passed them by.
Never saw them again.
I reached back and lowered the basal rate down to a 80% reduction about 1/2 way through this stage at 16:00 or so. I could feel myself running out of gas, and new the BG was heading down. Took in a handful of M&Ms a couple of times as well just to be able to finish up and stay on top of it.
At 16:30 I started the final base hour. I was at a 76 again, but new I was home free now. Road back to Lake Crabtree County Park, where the kids where going to pick me up. Took in another PB Gel with 20g of carbs during this 60 min segment.

Meet the family right on the 5 hour dot. Ride was very productive and the bike didn't so much need a single adjustment. LOVE it!!
Vertical: 1,073.00 yd
Max HR: 190 BPM
Avg HR: 148 BPM
Calories: 4,446 kCal
Blood glucose was a end of ride perfect 105. Given all the adjustments and changes in planned riding pace, I was pretty amped. Just another day in the saddle for a diabetic cyclist right? Yup. :)
At 23:00 I set my pump to a overnight post ride temp basal of a 25% reduction for 6 hours.